About us

Our Story

Founded in 2009, Advenz Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based professional services firm specialising in managing the non-core business functions of companies, helping them to achieve their current and future business goals. The firm’s full spectrum of services is categorised into 4 main pillars: Finance & Accounting, Corporate Secretarial, Tax, and Business Support.

Led by Managing Partner Ms Jaslin Lau, Advenz, with its experienced practitioners, has built its success on a strong foundation of extensive business knowledge and compliance know-how. We believe in being accountable and transparent with our clients. To ensure that the information we provide is always reliable, accurate, and up to date, we are committed to keeping a close eye on the latest regulatory updates.

Ultimately, our focus is to grow together with our clients, and we hope to be the preferred local trusted partner for your business needs. Navigate our site for more details or send us an enquiry today!

‘Do business confidently.’

To be the top employer and trusted partner for innovative accounting solutions, where talent thrives, and businesses excel.
Creating a conducive environment for personal growth while empowering businesses to operate confidently through our services.

Professionalism – Our people uphold professionalism in every aspect of their work, demonstrating integrity, accountability, and excellence in all they do.

Ethics – We always do what is right and achieve this by being consistent, honest and fair in our practices.

Accountability – Accountability is our guiding principle, driving us to take ownership of our actions, decisions, and commitments, fostering trust and reliability in all our endeavors.

Knowledge – Our team is dedicated to continuous learning and knowledge sharing, ensuring that we harness expertise for the benefit of our clients, delivering innovative solutions and unparalleled service.

We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.



Certified experts with the right qualifications and attitude to address your business needs and exceed expectations.



We always do what is right and achieve this by being consistent, honest and fair in our practices.



Trust forms the basis of every business relationship. We take pride in our work and put our best foot forward to help you achieve



Knowledge is wealth and we are always eager for growth opportunities to gain new insights and expertise.
